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Occupational Health and Safety >

Occupational Health and Safety at GSA

GSA staff should refer to full Health and Safety policy and documentation which is now available on the staff intranet at

The GSA's Health and Safety Policy (H&S Policy) commits the GSA to ensuring the health and safety of its students, staff, visitors, and all others who may be affected by its activities. The health and safety policy also supports and empowers the health and safety policy arrangements document.

Under the GSA's H&S Policy, the overall responsibility for health and safety at the GSA rests with the Board of Governors. The Director is the senior manager responsible for health and safety and reports to the Board of Governors (BoG). The Director is supported by the Senior Leadership Group.

All Senior Leadership Group members are required to embrace the aims and objectives of the health and safety policy and to implement the arrangements described in this document to ensure the aims and objectives of the policy are fulfilled.

The health and safety policy arrangements provides information on how the policy and health and safety management system will be implemented at the GSA. These are general arrangements which will be applicable to most students and staff at the GSA and should be read in conjunction with the health and safety policy.

The GSA Health and Safety Team has developed specific policies and arrangements for various tasks and activities that are carried out at the GSA.  These documents sit under the umbrella of the overarching health and safety policy and policy arrangements documents.  These should be consulted as required.

The following policies and documentation have been approved for publication: 

GSA Risk Assessment Examples

Additional sector and regulatory guidance is found below:

GSA Health and Safety Team:

For all routine enquiries please e-mail the Health and Safety Team at: 

Health and Safety Staff:
Ian Hackford, Head of Health and Safety.

Kelly Connelly, Health and Safety Advisor.

Steven Tawse, Health and Safety Administration.​​

Fire Officers:
Paul Hannan,  Fire Saftey Officer

Nicky Barr,  Fire Saftey Officer