Information for Care Leavers and Care Experienced Young People >

The Glasgow School of Art wants to ensure that every young person, regardless of their background or social circumstances, who has the ability and aspiration to become an artist, designer or architect or pursue a career in the creative sector, gets an equal chance to do so.

The information below may be helpful if you are a young person who has been, or is still being cared for by a local authority in residential care, secure care, foster care or by friends or relatives, or at home. GSA’s Corporate Parenting Plan 2021-23 can be viewed here, and the Corporate Parenting Action Plan 2021-23 can be viewed here.

Pre Entry and Application Support

If you are at a state secondary school in the West of Scotland, are care experienced and thinking about applying to the GSA, you can participate in our Widening Participation Programme. The Widening Participation programme can help you to:

  • Make informed decisions about which degree courses you may be suited to.
  • Write a strong UCAS Personal Statement.
  • Produce relevant, high quality art and design work through our portfolio courses.
  • Photograph/scan your art and design work to include in your digital portfolio.
  • Layout your digital portfolio so it looks professional.
  • Write a good digital portfolio statement.
  • Prepare for portfolio interview(s).
  • Get ready for studying an undergraduate degree at GSA.

For more information, please visit the WP webpages. You can email directly to get involved.

Alternatively, if you would like to speak to a member of the team in confidence, you can contact one of the Widening Participation Development Officers: Leeanne McKenna or Rickie McNeill

Funding and Advice

We offer funding advice to make sure that you receive all appropriate funding available and we can also offer help with managing your finances. More information can be found in the Funding & Finance section or by contacting the Student Welfare Service. 

Scottish students who are care experienced (have spent time in a looked after setting) are eligible to apply for a Care Experienced Student Bursary and a Care Experienced Student Accommodation Grant from the Students Awards Agency Scotland (SAAS).  More information can be found on the SAAS website.

Similar schemes exist for students from elsewhere in the UK; our Student Welfare Advisers can assist you in applying for these funds. 


We can arrange year round accommodation for students in halls of residence, if this is what you would prefer.             

For students who prefer to live in a private flat, our Student Welfare Advisers can assist with information on how to go about finding suitable accommodation within the city. 

Support at GSA

All new students are offered support through a range of Student Support Services that are available such as counselling, advice on services for students with a disability and help with employment opportunities and careers. There is also help and advice available to students about the process of learning and learning in a studio environment. There is also a comprehensive and detailed series of online learning resources available via GSA’s Learning Support Website  and GSA’s virtual learning environment CANVAS which students will have access to when they enrol.


At the GSA, to help you navigate your way through the various services, we offer a single point of contact to support you from before you arrive, until after you graduate:

Graeme Fraser, Student Support Manager
Tel. 0141 353 4485 

Young people with experience of care can also access information and support from Who Cares? Scotland, the Become Charity, Children and Young People's Commissioner ScotlandLife Changes Trust, and This Is Us